Weather-Related School Closing (Policy OG-4)

The decision to close Clarkson College due to adverse weather conditions will be made by the College President or his/her designee. The decision to close will consider the severity of the forecasted weather, the potential threat to the safety and well-being of students and employees, and the ability of the physical plant to operate.



  • Canceling all academic and professional development classes
  • Clinical students (within the area affected by the severe weather conditions) should follow the program-specific weather closing policy, if applicable
  • College personnel (staff and faculty) will not be required to report to work.

If the weather overnight is severe, warranting closing, the notification will be made prior to 5:00 am.

If the closing occurs during the day:

  • Classes will be dismissed.
  • Clinical students (within the area affected by the severe weather conditions) should follow the program-specific weather closing policy, if applicable

If the weekend weather is severe, the decision to cancel any activity is at the discretion of the Directors. Activities include Community Advancement classes, Student Activities, Graduate Weekend, and Clinicals.

If the Director cancels weekend activity:

  • Contact the Vice President of Communications and Development for appropriate communications.


  • The Vice President of Communications and Development and Facilities will contact the media, update the e2campus alert system, update the website, place a message on the main phone line, send an all-campus electronic communication, which will include students and update any social media utilized by the College for communication.
  • Faculty or the student (if designated by the faculty) will be responsible for making sure their clinical sites have been informed of the closing.
  • The Director of Facilities will notify Public Safety that the campus is closed.


If the College is officially closed due to adverse weather conditions, employees will be paid at their normal rate for any missed work time.


The College recognizes it is the responsibility of each individual to determine for themselves the risk and/or ability to report to the College or clinical sites in the event of severe weather.

EMPLOYEE - If the College is not officially closed, and an employee is unable to report to work or chooses to leave work due to the weather, it is the employee's responsibility to:

  1. Notify their immediate supervisor of their absence or intent to leave work.
  2. Complete the appropriate request for hours missed by using PTO or personal/sick hours if they wish compensation for those hours.