Business Ethics (Policy EC-21)


It is the policy of Clarkson College that business will be conducted in an ethical manner. High ethical standards are necessary to maintain our tradition of excellence and maintain the pride of our community. Clarkson College expects every person who works for or provides services to the organization to adhere to high standards and to promote ethical behavior.


In order to maintain these standards each person will:

  • Adhere to professional and regulatory requirements.
  • Honestly and fairly deal with Clarkson College’s internal and external clients, customers, suppliers, competitors, and financial partners. This obligation includes dealing honestly with all entities.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest. Each person should avoid actual, potential, or even the appearance of conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest may exist when the employee: 
  1. Solicits or accepts anything of value from an actual or potential vendor.
  2. Is involved in a situation in which a person has the potential to direct or influence the decision to his or her own gain, or allows a friend, relative or associate to benefit from authority or information.
  3. Uses position or inside information for personal profit (i.e., kickbacks), for favorable treatment or self-enhancement.
  4. Uses authority or information to affect the organization intentionally and adversely.
  5. Accepts or gives gifts, gratuities or favors from any person or organization doing business or seeking to do business with Clarkson College.
  6. It is important that all employees of Clarkson College avoid conflict of interest and the appearance of conflict of interest. The existence of conflict of interest does not necessarily imply wrongdoing. Any person having a substantial investment, financial interest, or compensation relationship, direct or indirect, in any supplier, client or competitor should make prompt disclosure to director/supervisor and seek approval for participation in the transaction involved.
  •  Treat all persons fairly, with dignity and with respect. persons are entitled to a work environment free of verbal, physical and sexual harassment, as well as free from discrimination and favoritism. Clarkson College is committed to providing an environment which emphasizes the dignity and respect of each individual.
  • Treat all Clarkson College students with professionalism, respect, dignity, and compassion.
  • Maintain confidentiality (HR-5 Confidentiality).  Clarkson College is committed to ensuring confidentiality of students, employees, and organizational operational information. It is the responsibility of each employee to understand and abide by this policy. Any breach of confidentiality will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination.  Access to confidential  information is restricted to those for whom it is necessary in order to perform their assigned job.
  • Seek to serve the community of which Clarkson College is a part. Clarkson College will consider the needs of its community in determining its mission, activities, services, and business.
  • Promote fair reporting to the community. All Clarkson College communications and disclosure of information and data related to Clarkson College to be clear, accurate and sufficiently complete to assure that they are not misleading. Financial and operational reports, as well as advertisements and marketing materials should be truthful, fair, and accurate. Accurate and prompt billing practices shall be maintained, and all billing issues resolved according to policies.
  • Promote a safe environment conforming to the laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety.
  • Comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and published codes. All persons are responsible to abide by all relevant laws and regulatory standards, including but not limited to those that apply to civil rights; equal employment; FERPA (SS-9 FERPA);fraud and abuse; billing and collection practices; drugs and alcohol; disclosure and confidentiality; OSHA; environment protection; antitrust; taxes; professional standards.
  • Report violations of these ethical standards. 

Clarkson College's integrity is diminished when any of these standards are violated. Clarkson College expects every person to report any known violation to their director/supervisor. Violators of this policy will be subject to corrective action.