Advanced Standing Credit (Policy AA-47)
Clarkson College recognizes that valid learning experiences are not restricted to the formal classroom. Advanced Standing Credit is a method by which students can earn credit without completing a course(s). Many individuals attain college-equivalent knowledge and skills through a variety of means. The policy of Clarkson College is to award college credit for non-traditional learning in cases where such credit is appropriate.
Criteria used for granting credit by evaluation of non-traditional study are outlined below. Evaluated credit will be posted on the transcript after all admissions and fee requirements have been met and upon successful completion of one (1) semester at Clarkson College.
Students who have received an “I,” “F” or “NP” in a Clarkson College course cannot earn Advanced Standing credit for that course. Credit is granted after the student earns a satisfactory score on an examination (per those outlined in the procedure) or a satisfactory evaluation of the portfolio on the first attempt. If unsuccessful, the student must enroll and complete the course. Advance Standing credits will not apply to the residency requirements.
Methods of Earning Advanced Standing Credit
The Registrar’s Office will record the credit when official transcripts and/or certifications have been received. Students will be given appropriate course credits designated by a “P/NP” on the transcript. Fees will be determined on an annual basis.
Students must contact the course Program Director to request Advanced Standing Credit. The Program Director will complete the Advanced Standing Credit form, forward it to the Registrar, and copy the student.
Advanced Standing Credit is a method by which students can earn credit without completing a course(s) through the following methods:
Standardized Testing: (No Tuition or Fees Charged to Student):
Standardized tests that have demonstrated reliability and validity may be considered for Advanced Standing Credit, as determined by the Program Director and Registrar. These standardized tests may include:
- Post Primary Certificate (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists ARRT)
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) except for English Composition I or II, Healthcare Core courses, and science courses that require a lab component.
- Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations (minimum score of 3 required)
- Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
- Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification
- Health Information Management Certification(s) including CPC, CCA, CCS, CCS-P, CHDA, CHPS
- Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification
Other standardized tests may be considered if approved by the Program Director and Registrar.
Credit for Learning through Life/Work Experience:
Credit may be granted for learning acquired through life/work experience, which parallels a student’s program at Clarkson College. The credit granted may be substituted for program requirements or elective credits and is not granted for courses in which a Standardized Exam is available. The Program Director and Registrar, in accordance with College policy, will determine whether such credits satisfy major or general education requirements towards the appropriate degree.
Prior Learning Validation by Portfolio (50% Tuition Charged to Student)
Individuals seeking a degree who believe their prior experiences may qualify them to receive college credit may seek credit through the portfolio method. The student’s Academic Program director/advisor/instructor will assist the student in completing the portfolio process. Portfolio documentation will include appropriate and acceptable evidence of equivalent knowledge. Each Academic Program will determine the maximum number of credit hours that may be granted through life/work experiences. Each Academic Program will also determine the specific courses that may be fulfilled via credit by learning through validation by portfolio. Students must request portfolio credit with their program director/advisor/instructor no later than the end of the 1st week of the semester. All portfolios must be completed at least one semester prior to graduation.
Prior Learning Validation by Transition Course Completion & Awarding of Major Course Credit (Tuition & Fees Charged to Student)
Academic programs may grant credit for prior learning for courses in the major by validation via satisfactory completion of a transition course(s) and subsequent award of major course credit. Students must register for the course(s) no later than the first week of the semester.
Prior learning of major content is a prerequisite for registration in an undergraduate nursing transition course. Successful completion of the transition course then validates the student’s prior knowledge. Each Academic Program will determine the maximum number of credit hours that may be granted through life/work experiences and what specific courses may be fulfilled via credit by learning by transition course completion and award of validation credit.
Credit by Internal Examination (50% Tuition Charged to Student)
Currently enrolled students, through outside study or relevant experience, may feel prepared to demonstrate that they have attained the knowledge and/or skills required to pass a particular course. As an alternative to enrolling in the course, students may elect to take an internal proficiency examination that tests for mastery of the course material. If a student scores satisfactorily on the examination, the student may be awarded credit for the course. The credit granted may be substituted for program requirements or elective credits and is not granted for courses in which a standardized exam is available. Each Academic Program will determine which, if any, courses may be fulfilled via internal credit examination. Students must request an internal examination with their program director/advisor/instructor no later than one semester prior to graduation. Students must complete the examination no later than the end of the 1st week of the semester to facilitate course enrollment if unsuccessful.
Academic Policies and Procedures
- Academic Honors (Policy AA-16)
- Academic Integrity (Policy SW-25)
- Academic Probation (Policy AA-20)
- Academic Related Activities and Travel Release (Policy SW-40)
- Academic Travel Abroad Release (Policy SW-11)
- Academic Year
- Access to Campus Facilities (Policy SW-28)
- Admissions (Policy AD-1, AD-2, and AD-11)
- Advanced Standing Credit (Policy AA-47)
- Application and Enrollment Fee Waivers (Policy AD-4)
- Articulation Agreements
- Assessment of Student Success Skills (Policy OG-23)
- Auditing a Course (Policy AA-35)
- Background Checks and Drug Screening for Students (Policy SW-23)
- Clarkson College Behavioral Intervention Team (Policy SW-24)
- Bookstore Voucher (Policy SA-2)
- Business Ethics (Policy EC-21)
- Cancellation of Course (Policy AA-36)
- Change of Personal Information
- Code of Conduct (Policy SW-18)
- Conditional Acceptance and Recitation Requirements (Policy AD-11)
- Copyright (Policy IT-4)
- Course Load Requirements (Policy FA-6)
- Coursework Categories for Undergraduate Degrees
- Credit Hour Definition (Policy AA-55)
- Crime Awareness & Campus Security (Policy SW-5)
- Undergraduate Deans List (Policy AA-27)
- Degree Progress Audit (Policy AA-5)
- Disbursement of Financial Aid (Policy FA-2)
- Discontinuance of an Academic Program (EC-24)
- Dismissal (Policy AA-24)
- Drug and Alcohol (Policy SW-15)
- Computing Policy (Policy IT-2)
- Email (Policy IT-1)
- Emergency Notification, Response and Evacuation (Policy SW-30)
- Emotional Support Animal (Policy SW-38)
- Equal Opportunity and Non- Discrimination (Policy SW-1)
- Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (Policy SS-9)
- Financial Aid Award (Policy FA-19)
- Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements (Policy FA-20)
- Forms Submission
- Freedom of Expression (Policy EC-22)
- Grade Change (Policy AA-37)
- Grade Point Average (Policy AA-29)
- Grade Reports
- Graduation Eligibility (Policy AA-8)
- Health and Safety Requirements (Policy SW-7)
- Help Desk (Policy IT-7)
- Identification Badge (Policy SS-10)
- Incomplete Grades (Policy AA-10)
- Independent Study (Policy AA-41)
- Information Security Program (Policy IT-9)
- Institutional Repository (Policy OG-30)
- Institutional Review of Research Involving Human Subjects (Policy OG-8)
- International Admissions & Transcripts (Policy AD-2)
- Interprofessional Education, Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), and Service (AA-54)
- Issuing Timely Warnings (Policy SW-32)
- Last Date of Attendance (Policy AA-63)
- Law Enforcement on Campus (Policy SW-33)
- Leave of Absence (Policy AA-30) Changes to policy effective 1/1/2025
- Letter Grades and Quality Points (Policy AA-6)
- Liability Insurance (Policy SW-12)
- Library Collection Development (Policy OG-29)
- Media (Policy OG-12)
- Missing Student (Policy SW-34)
- Non-Smoking (Policy SW-16)
- Online Education
- Organizational Governance-Policy Guidelines (OG-15)
- Petition for a Course Offering
- Student Petition for Reconsideration (Policy SW-22)
- Privacy (Policy IT-3)
- Professional Judgment (Policy FA-17)
- Program Completion (Policy AA-17)
- Progression (Policy AA-2)
- Public Address System (Policy OG-3)
- Public Complaint (Policy EC-20)
- Readmission (Policy AD-10)
- Registration/Add a Course (Policy AA-32)
- Reporting Criminal Offenses (Policy SW-36)
- Credit Hour Residency Requirement (Policy AA-28)
- Records Retention (Policy OG-2)
- Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility (FA-21)
- Security Awareness Programs (Policy SW-37)
- Service Animal (Policy SW-39)
- Sexual Misconduct (Policy SW-27)
- Social Media (Policy OG-28)
- State Authorization
- Statement of Financial Responsibility (Policy SA-12)
- Student Accommodations (Policy SW-2)
- Student Classifications & Status
- Student Grievance (Policy SW-14)
- Student Location & Disclosures for Professional Licensure or Certification Disclosure (Policy OG-33)
- Student Parking (Policy SS-1)
- Teach-Out (Policy AA-64)
- Transcripts
- Transfer Credit (Policy AA-52)
- Undergraduate Class Standing (Policy AA-38)
- Weather-Related School Closing (Policy OG-4)
- Withdrawal From Course Grade (Policy AA-3)