Issuing Timely Warnings (Policy SW-32)


In the event a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the Clarkson College
campus authority constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be


Campus authorities who are responsible for carrying out or authorizing the issuing of a “Timely
Warning” are:

› Director of UNMC Public Safety
› President
› Vice President of Communications and Development
› Director of Facilities

Factors for issuing a timely warning are:

› The nature of the crime.
› The continuing danger to the campus community.
› The possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

Warnings generally include:

› The nature of the threat.
› Source of the information.
› Suggested precautions to be taken.

The method of warnings:

› Campus email system
› PA System
› Alert Notification System
› Social Media