Student Grievance (Policy SW-14)


A grievance is a complaint that a specific decision or action affected the student’s academic record or status, violated published Clarkson College policies and procedures, or was applied to the grievant in a manner different from that used for other students. The grievance process is not designed to resolve disputes between an individual and an institution where other Clarkson College policies and procedures exist. The grievance process is only intended to be used to settle disputes after all other Clarkson College processes (including but not limited to SW-22 Petition for Reconsideration) have been exhausted. This policy does not limit Clarkson College’s right to change rules, policies, or practices.  

Clarkson College follows the SW-1 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy and adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws relating to discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, veteran's status, or marital status. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the Office of Civil Rights, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 at (816) 268-0550.  

Grievances may also be filed with the State of Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education to the Office of Nebraska Attorney General’s office, 2115 State Capitol, Lincoln, NE, 68503, and (402) 471-2682, or the Consumer Protection Division (toll-free) at (800) 727-6432. 

Retaliation is prohibited. Clarkson College prohibits taking negative action against any person for exercising their rights in using the grievance policy and procedure.  


Student Grievance Process:

Step 1: All other Clarkson College processes have been exhausted (i.e. other applicable policies and procedures and appeals or at a minimum, an informal meeting has occurred to speak with the person/director regarding and those directly involved in the complaint). If the outcome is still unsatisfactory, then the grievant will move to step 2 of the process.

Step 2: The student must complete a Grievance Form, which can be obtained through the Academic Catalog on the Clarkson College website. The student must provide strong, documented evidence and submit the completed Grievance Form to the Office of the Vice president of Academic Affairs (VPAA) no later than thirty (30) business days from when the incident occurred or all other Clarkson College processes have been exhausted. A grievant may provide statements from witnesses as part of their information and evidence.

Step 3: The grievant and any other parties involved should also be aware that they may be asked to present written information/evidence related to the grievance in which they are involved, before a Grievance Committee meeting, if applicable. The VPAA, after receiving the signed grievance form from the student, will send the grievance information request form to parties identified by the students, if applicable.

Step 4: The VPAA will initiate and facilitate the Clarkson College Grievance Committee’s response to the student's grievance within fourteen (14) business days and will provide a written response of the outcome within five (5) business days of the decision.

Step 5: The VPAA will form and facilitate the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee is the designated arbiter of disputes for the Clarkson College community. All parties must agree to arbitration and be bound by the decision with no right of appeal. All complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated and resolved.

Members of the Grievance Committee will be appointed by the VPAA. This committee will be composed of five members, including (1) a College Affairs Council member, (2) a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, (3) a Student Senate respresentative, (4) a member of Staff Senate Executive Committee, and (5) the VPAA. Committee members who may have conflicts interest regarding any part of the dispute cannot serve on the panel, and no one identified within the evidence will be included. The VPAA will chair these meetings and will gather all pertinent information. The VPAA will only vote in the case of a tie.

Grievance Committee Procedure:

  1. The VPAA procedures for administering the academic grievance process and procedural rules for conducting  committee hearings are attached below.
  2. The VPAA will communicate the results to the grievant via their Clarkson College email account and by certified mail. They will also provide a copy to the student’s Program Director, Registrar, and any parties involved.
  3. The VPAA office will track the number of grievances.
  4. Decisions made by the Grievance Committee shall be final.

Student Grievance Form: