Teach-Out (Policy AA-64)


This policy outlines the teach-out process if Clarkson College or any of its professionally accredited programs has its accreditation withdrawn, Clarkson College deems that the viability of a program is unfeasible, or in the event that forces the institution's closing. Clarkson College intends for all programs to remain viable for long periods. Clarkson College is committed to teaching out and following through with its educational commitment to its students.  

Definitions from the Department of Education: 

  • A teach-out agreement means a written agreement between institutions that provides for the equitable treatment of students and a reasonable opportunity for students to complete their program of study if an institution or an institutional location that provides one hundred percent of at least one program offered ceases to operate before all enrolled students have completed their program of study. 
  • A teach-out plan means a written plan developed by an institution that provides for the equitable treatment of students if an institution, or an institutional location that provides one hundred percent of at least one program, ceases to operate before all students have completed their program of study, and may include if required by the institution's accrediting agency, a teach-out agreement between institutions. 


Any plans for termination or action to implement the termination of a degree program must comply fully with the EC-24 Discontinuance of an Academic Program policy and this policy.  

If it is determined that termination of the program is the best course of action, a proposal for termination will be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The proposal must contain the appropriate evidence and rationale in support of the decision, a timeline and curriculum plan for the full teach-out, and a plan to notify stakeholders, including students, internal constituents, and external regulatory bodies (e.g., U.S. Department of Education, Higher Learning Commission, etc.). The Clarkson College President and Board of Directors will make the final decision to terminate the program. 

Students will be notified in writing of a date for program closure as early as possible or as required by state or federal law. The notice will also include the rationale for termination, as well as any additional costs, if any, related to the program closure. Students will be provided with a clear listing of course offerings needed for program completion and a timeline for the courses that will be offered. Clarkson College will make every reasonable effort to offer the courses needed and to support students through program completion in a timely manner. Clarkson College will also work with regional schools to negotiate transfer arrangements when feasible. 

Faculty and staff participating in the program will be notified in writing, as early as possible or as required by state or federal law, of a date for program closure and the rationale for termination. 

In the event of a teach-out, the following procedure shall be followed for both a teach-out plan and/or a teach-out agreement: 

  1. Clarkson College will determine the final teach-out date.
  2. Clarkson College will notify the Higher Learning Commission and all individual programs accrediting bodies that it intends to cease operations.
  3. All stakeholders, including students, staff, faculty, administration, and cooperating organizations, will be notified of any change in their plans to operate.
  4.  Students will be provided with an individual graduation plan. 
  5. Instruction and services will be provided at the same level throughout the completion of the program, and qualified students will be able to complete it.
  6. The teach-out plan will not increase costs to students beyond any increases already determined by the enrollment agreements students signed upon entering the program.
  7. Courses required for the teach-out plan will be provided on the current campus unless the campus has been rendered unusable by fire, flood, natural disaster, or other health and safety reasons. In this case, an alternate location will be identified by Clarkson College for completion of the teach-out plan, including partnering with other institutions.
  8. Clarkson College will make every attempt to retain continuous employment of the faculty and staff until the required coursework is completed pending closure.
  9.  Faculty and staff will receive benefits while they are still employed.  
  10.  Arrangements will be made to ensure that graduates of Clarkson College programs have access to their transcripts and records both immediately before and after closure. 
Provisional Plan 

The provisional plan details the arrangements an institution makes for students when it intends to cease operating as an educational institution or when other circumstances present that require a teach-out arrangement. In circumstances where a provisional plan is required, the Board of Directors will remain until the process is complete. This plan outlines arrangements for currently enrolled students to complete their degrees.  

The Provisional Plan includes the following information: 

  1. A complete list of currently enrolled students (redacting personally identifiable information) in each affected program at the institution, and the program requirements each student has completed.
  2. A complete list of the academic programs the institution offers and the names of other institutions that offer similar programs that could potentially enter into a Teach-Out Agreement with the institution. 
  3. A communication plan that provides all potentially eligible students with information about how to obtain a closed school discharge and, if applicable, information on state refund policies. The Provisional Plan also includes final drafts of any planned disclosures or other communications to affected students concerning their options and the timeline for closure. 
  4. A record retention plan to be provided to all enrolled students (including those on leave of absence) that delineates the final disposition of student records (e.g., student transcripts, billing, financial aid records).
  5. Information on the number and types of credits any teach-out receiving institution is willing to accept prior to the student’s enrollment. 
  6. A clear statement to students of the tuition and fees of the educational program and the number and types of credits that each will accept from the receiving institution.
  7. A commitment to promptly notify students of any additional costs. 
  8. Plans for academic and financial aid advising. 
  9. A list of all programmatic accreditors and state licensing agencies with which the institution submitting the Provisional Plan has a relationship, as well as the status any program holds with such entities.