Conditional Acceptance and Recitation Requirements (Policy AD-11)


Accepted applicants who fall below the accepted GPA requirements may be accepted in one of the
following ways:

  •  Students who are accepted with a GPA that falls under admissions requirements, as explained in
    policy AD-1 Admission, which are 2.5 cumulative and math/science GPA for undergraduate
    programs and 3.0 cumulative GPA for graduate programs, will be accepted in a conditional
  • Undergraduate traditional students whose high school cumulative GPA falls below a 3.5 will be
    required to take recitation courses for courses that offer them.
  •  Undergraduate transfer students (those with twelve [12] or more transfer credit hours) whose
    previous college cumulative GPA falls below a 3.25 will be required to take recitation courses for
    courses that offer them

Conditional Status Procedure: 


Students admitted under conditional status will remain conditional for two (2) consecutive semesters. During each semester of conditional status, the following requirements must be met: 

  1. Students cannot complete more than fifteen (15) credit hours/semester.
  2. Students will be enrolled in the recitation course, as applicable, corresponding to the science and program course(s) they are enrolled in.
  3. Maintain at least a 2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average at Clarkson College.
  4. While on conditional status, students may only earn one non-passing grade (D, F, WF, or NP) in a course. Per AA-2 Progression Policy, students must retake that course for a grade.

Conditionally accepted students will be placed in a group within the Student Information System. The
Registrar’s Office will track all conditional-status undergraduate students at the end of each semester.
The Program Director and Registrar’s Office will review and determine if they may continue as fully
admitted students. Upon evaluation by the Program Director at the end of the second semester,
students with conditional status may be removed from conditional status. Students who do not meet
the requirements will be dismissed from the program of study.


Graduate students admitted under conditional status will remain conditional for two (2) consecutive
semesters and have completed at least six (6) hours of credit. During each semester of conditional
status, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Maintain at least a 3.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average at Clarkson College.
  2. Will not have any of the following end-of-the-semester course grades “C,” “D,” “F,” “WF,” “NP during conditional status.  

The Registrar’s Office will track all conditional-status graduate students at the end of each semester. The
Program Director and Registrar’s Office will review and determine if they may continue as fully admitted
students. Upon evaluation by the Program Director at the end of the second semester, students on
conditional status may be removed from conditional status. Students who do not meet the
requirements will be academically dismissed from the program of study (Policy AA-24 Dismissal).

Recitation Status Procedure: 

Traditional undergraduate students whose high school cumulative GPA falls below a 3.5 and
undergraduate transfer students whose previous college cumulative GPA falls below a 3.25 will be
required to take recitation courses for courses that offer them.

  • Recitation courses are available for PTA 105, RAD 262, RAD 120, RAD 125, BIO, CHM and PHY courses. 
  • Advisors will add these courses into the student’s course sequence plans and will verify they are enrolled appropriately.