Discontinuance of an Academic Program (EC-24)


A program may be identified for potential closure and consideration of viability and efficacy. During the program review and decision-making process based on presented data, affected faculty and staff will be considered. Each student’s needs related to program completion and graduation pending closure will also be considered.  


A representative of the Executive Leadership Council will initiate the process to evaluate a program for possible closure and delegate the research and review process to a committee. If circumstances dictate, outside consultation may also be appropriate. The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) or committee designee will present the findings and recommendation documentation to the Faculty Senate, the College Affairs Council, and the Leadership Council.  

If the Executive Leadership Council agrees with the decision made at the Leadership Council to keep the program open, then the program will continue as per Clarkson College requirements. If the Executive Leadership Council agrees with the decision made at the Leadership Council to close the program, then the program follows all appropriate regulatory procedures (e.g., federal, accrediting body, etc.) for closure.   

The final decision regarding program closure will rest with the Board of Directors after a recommendation by the Leadership Council through the Executive Leadership Council. Until the proposal has been approved by the Board of Directors, no action will be taken to limit enrollment into the program whose discontinuance is being proposed. After the decision to discontinue the program, the VPAA and the Program Director will establish a written schedule for teaching out the program. The final decision to close a program will be communicated to the students, faculty, staff, and all required regulatory bodies by the VPAA and Program Director. 

The following measures may be used when considering a decision: 

External Considerations:

  1. Number and quality of competing programs
  2. Comparison of curriculum from Clarkson College to similar institutions
  3. Comparison of enrollment statistics from Clarkson College to similar institutions
  4. Alignment with accrediting body standards
  5. Projected employment opportunities for graduating students
  6. Feedback from the program advisory council and/or alumni
  7. Student’s cost of the educational program in comparison to expected earning potential in the profession.
  8. External environmental factors that affect the profession or higher education (examples include Medicare funding, federal or state laws, federal appropriations, grants, availability of student loans, general economic conditions, etc.).
  9. Impact of program closure upon the Community, which the College serves.

Quality Considerations:

  1. Program alignment with the Clarkson College mission
  2. Analysis of outcomes assessment
  3. Qualitative and quantitative information from accrediting bodies where appropriate.

Internal Considerations:

  1. Number of inquiries for the program for the last 5 years
  2. Number of applications to the program for the last 5 years
  3. Number of students accepted to the program for the last 5 years
  4. Number of students enrolled in the program for the last 5 years
  5. Number of students graduating from the program for the last 5 years
  6. Retention rate of the program for the last 5 years
  7. Extent to which program graduates matriculate into higher-level degree options
  8. Consideration of how discontinuing the program will impact overall College credit hours and other programs’ credit hours due to minors and -multiple enrollments.
  9. Review of marketing activity related to the program
  10. Review of admissions activity/recruitment/outreach related to the program

Financial Considerations:

  1. Analysis of program-specific marketing efforts over the last 5 years
  2. The availability of resources to sustain the program at an acceptable level of academic quality
  3. Expenses of the program for the last 5 years
  4. Proceeds generated after costs for the last 5 years