Progression (Policy AA-2)


Students will not be permitted to progress to a higher level of coursework in the major area of study until successfully completing the prerequisite courses. Any exceptions to this rule must have the approval of the Academic Program Director per the SW-22 Student Petition for Reconsideration policy. Students who enroll in courses without successfully completing the prerequisite course(s) may be administratively withdrawn without prior notice.

Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for successful completion of the program of study. A student who fails to maintain a 2.0 CGPA in any given semester will be placed on academic probation.

Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 CGPA for successful completion of the program of study. A student who fails to maintain a 3.0 CGPA in any given semester will be placed on academic probation.

Any undergraduate student may remove a “D” or “F” grade, and graduate students may remove a “C,” “D” or “F” grade from the calculation of CGPA by repeating the course. Both courses will permanently remain on the academic record/transcript, but only the higher grade (or the most recent for duplicate grades) will be used in calculating the CGPA.

Any undergraduate student repeating a course due to a “D,” “F,” “NP,” or “WF” must take the corresponding recitation course if offered while enrolled in the repeated course.


Undergraduate Certificate Programs and Associate of Science Degree Programs in Physical Therapist Assistant and Radiography

Students enrolled in Certificate or these Associate of Science Degree programs must maintain a grade of “C- “or higher in all courses. The Academic Program Director, in consultation with faculty and administration, will determine which of the following actions will occur when a student receives a “D,” “F,” “NP,” “WP,” “WF,” or “W” grade in a course(s):

  • Dismissal from the program with the option to reapply the following year. Students would be expected to meet current admission requirements. There would be no guarantee of readmission.
  • Repeat the course the next semester it is offered at the discretion of the Program Director. Additional conditions may be required of the student.

Any student returning to a program must meet with the Program Director and may be required to complete items outlined by the Director. This could include but is not limited to an assessment and/or test. A fee may be charged to the student for the assessment and testing process. Any student who fails to pass an assessment and/or test may be required to repeat major courses previously taken.

A student who receives a non-passing grade in a course after being re-admitted or re-enrolled will be academically dismissed from the program.

Any student who is dismissed from the Associate of Science in Radiography and is dually enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging program or dually enrolled in the Associate of Science PTA and Bachelor of Science PTA program will be dismissed from both academic programs.

Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science & Post Baccalaureate Degree Programs

Students enrolled in Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, and Post Baccalaureate Degree programs must maintain a grade of “C- “ or higher in all course(s). Failing grades include “WF,” “D,” “F,” or “NP.” Failed course(s) must be repeated to achieve a passing grade.

A course may not be repeated more than once. A student who fails the same course more than once will be dismissed from the program. In addition, students who receive a "D" or "F" in a total of two courses will be dismissed from the program.

  • Dismissal from the program with the option to reapply the following year. Students would be expected to meet current admission requirements. There would be no guarantee of readmission.
  • Repeat the course the next semester it is offered at the discretion of the Program Director. Additional conditions may be required of the student.
  • Any student who is dismissed from the Radiography program and is enrolled in the Medical Imaging program will be dismissed from both academic programs.

A student may Withdraw Fail (WF) from any course. After receiving a Withdraw Fail (WF), the student must repeat the course for a grade. A student may Withdraw Fail (WF) from only two courses during his/her current program of study. A Withdraw Fail (WF) from a third course will result in dismissal from the Undergraduate program.

A student who receives a non-passing grade in a course after being re-admitted or re-enrolled will be academically dismissed from the program.

Graduate Degree Programs

Graduate students, except for Nurse Anesthesia students, must repeat any course they fail (grade below B-), but they are NOT allowed to repeat a course more than once. Graduate students who receive a grade of “C," "D," "F," or "NP" in a total of two courses will be dismissed from the program.

Nurse Anesthesia students who fail a course will not progress with their cohort. They must reapply to the program for the following year, and if they are accepted, may repeat the failed course.

A student may Withdraw Fail (WF) from any course. After receiving a Withdraw Fail (WF) in a course, the student must repeat the course for a grade.

A student may Withdraw Fail (WF) from only two courses during his/her current program of study. A Withdraw Fail (WF) from a third course will result in dismissal from the graduate program.