Last Date of Attendance (Policy AA-63)


Federal regulations (34 CFR 668.22) require that when a recipient of Title IV grant or loan assistance withdraws during a payment period or period of enrollment in which the recipient began attendance, Clarkson College must determine the amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance that the student earned as of the student’s withdrawal date.


The school must demonstrate that the student has remained in academic attendance through a specified point in time. Clarkson College is classified as an institution that requires attendance to be taken throughout the semester. The last date of attendance is used as the unofficial withdrawal date for federal funding. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office will monitor attendance of federal funding recipients weekly and notify the student via email after two consecutive missed class periods. If the student does not return to class within (5) business days (not including holidays or breaks), a return to Title IV fund calculation will be performed. Any unearned federal aid must be returned to the Department of Education within forty-five (45) days after the last date of attendance.

Students must attend all classes (on-campus/online) in which they are enrolled and follow the attendance policies of individual programs as specified in the course syllabus. Each program determines specific attendance policies to ensure regular and substantive interaction between faculty and students. Students in skills laboratory courses, clinical courses, practicums, and internships are required to attend. Classes may be made up within the same semester at the discretion of the faculty. In those cases where a crisis (as identified by the course faculty) has occurred, all appropriate Clarkson College parties should be notified.

Per 34 CFR 668.22, the determination of the student’s last day of attendance must be based on an academically related activity, as documented by the school. The school must verify that the activity is academically related and that the student attended the activity.

Academic attendance and attendance at an academically related activity include, but are not limited to:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction
  • Attending a study group that the institution assigns
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters
  • Initiating contact with the course faculty to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

Activities, where a student may be present but not academically engaged, include:

  • Living in institutional housing
  • Logging into an online class without active participation
  • Participating in academic counseling or advisement


  1. Faculty are expected to inform students in writing of Clarkson College attendance policies in all their course syllabi.
  2. Each faculty member must take daily/weekly attendance in all theory, lab, clinical, and online class sessions.
  3. Faculty are expected to report attendance via MyCC weekly.
  4. The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will monitor attendance. For students receiving federal funding, if the student does not return to class within five (5) business days (not including holidays or breaks) after missing two consecutive class periods, an R2T4 calculation will be performed. Any unearned Title IV aid will be returned to the Department of Education within 45 days of the last date of attendance.
  5. The email notification to students will include specific classes missed and potential consequences. The student will be advised to contact the faculty member immediately to regain continuity of class requirements. Failture to do so may result in course failure, possible administrative withdrawal/dismissal from the program, and return of federal funds.
  6. The Instructor, Program Director, Course Program Director, and Academic Advisor will be copied on the email sent by Financial Aid to the student.
  7. The Program Director or Academic Advisor will attempt to email or call the student after class non-attendance notification. If no communication is returned, a follow-up phone call to the student’s emergency contact may be completed for the well-being of the student. No academic information will be shared with the contact outside of FERPA guidelines.