Academic Related Activities and Travel Release (Policy SW-40)


Clarkson College values the multiple enrichment experiences in which students will participate while enrolled in classes, school organizations, or Clarkson College-related student employment or scholarship programs. While participating in Clarkson College-related activities, students will be required to sign an Activities Acknowledgement & Release Form during the registration process and then annually each fall semester. 

Students are expected to secure their own transportation to and from activities. Students are not allowed to transport any outside parties (i.e., clients, patients, or any individual they are working with) while participating in Clarkson College-related activities. Employees are advised not to transport students. In the event where a Clarkson College-related activity requires an employee to transport students, Clarkson College will provide transportation via a rental vehicle.  


  1. Students will complete the Activities Acknowledgement and Release Form upon admission and annually (Fall) through MyCC.
  2. The completed forms will be collected and monitored by the Registrar's Office.
  3. A student will not be able to register for future semesters classes until the Activities Acknowledgement & Release Form has been submitted.