HUM Core - Humanities

Clarkson College offers a variety of humanities courses to broaden each student’s perspective of self and others. These courses emphasize that human knowledge, particularly in the areas of health and medicine, is constantly changing; only those who understand origins, context, causality and trends will be prepared to innovate in the future. These courses are designed for all students, regardless of previous knowledge and experience.

Semester hours: 3.0

Restrictions and Notes:

  • Healthcare Core courses must be taken at Clarkson College.

Course Options:

  • HUM 200 - A Cultural History of the Healing Arts
  • HUM 205 - History of Science, Technology and Medicine
  • HUM 210 - American Social Movements
  • HUM 215 - Academic Travel Abroad Humanities
  • HUM 220 - World Religions

Last updated: 02/29/2024